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  1. Short Fiction

    Manly Wade Wellman

  2. Short Fiction

    Frank Belknap Long

  3. Short Fiction

    Henry Kuttner

  4. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

    H. P. Lovecraft

  5. The Vampire

    John William Polidori

  6. Ghost Stories

    E. F. Benson

  7. Melmoth the Wanderer

    Charles Robert Maturin

  8. At the Mountains of Madness

    H. P. Lovecraft

  9. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

    James Hogg

  10. The Return

    Walter de la Mare

  11. The Three Impostors

    Arthur Machen

  12. The Magician

    W. Somerset Maugham

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