A yard porter. Each house has one or more dvorniks, whose duties are to cut and carry firewood, etc. They are also responsible for the cleanliness of the street and pavement immediately adjoining the house, and must assist the police. ↩
A squadron of cavalry (applied to Cossack troops only). ↩
A humble kind of eating-house frequented by the working classes. ↩
A silver coin of the value and size of sixpence. ↩
A cabman; used indifferently to mean the man or his conveyance. ↩
A hole cut out in the ice. ↩
A framed pane of glass in a window. It is on hinges, and can be opened for ventilation purposes when the window itself is hermetically sealed up for the winter. ↩
The people’s name for St. Petersburg. ↩
Around 44° Celsius, or 111° Fahrenheit. ↩
Around 35° Celsius, or 95° Fahrenheit. ↩
An arshin equals 2½ feet (approximately). ↩
Around 4.4 centimetres. ↩
The generic name of all officials, but more usually applied to the smaller class of Government officials. Is often used in contempt. ↩
Around 44° Celsius, or 111° Fahrenheit. ↩
A dessiatine equals 2.7 acres. ↩