
  1. Cho, generally translated as “street,” is used in designating a particular locality of town, including a street line and, often, its neighbourhood.

  2. “O-Tami-don” is one of familiar ways of addressing people. “O,” one of the honorific terms, carries often an endearing tone. “Don,” placed after one’s name, is used generally among people of working or servant classes in greeting one of their own number.

  3. The value of gold pieces is hard to ascertain, as there were in circulation coins minted in different ages, and their qualities were of as different grades. However, one ryo, as the larger gold money was termed, is about equivalent to a hundred yen according to the present scale of currency and its purchasing power, or it is, at least, an approximation as near as needed for our present purpose.

  4. Chan is used in accosting a person in an endearing way. “Tsu,” an abbreviation for “Tsuya” as “Shin” is for “Shinsuké,” is an instance of shortening a name in familiar speech.

  5. The Bon holidays which fall on the middle of the seventh month are observed in honor of the return of the dead souls to their former earthly abode. It is still kept to this day not so much for general religious fervor as a convenient time to mark off the first half portion of the year. It is at this time and also just before or during the New Year’s holidays, twice in a year, that people exchange presents as greetings of the season. One who receives a call at such time by a man below oneself generally acknowledges the same with small or large tips.

  6. Incorrectness in the manners or conduct of a man in a lower level of culture or intellect, if not ill meant and not pushed too far, is generally taken as a matter of course more or less, and treated as such. Benevolence and understanding have always been regarded by the Japanese as so much of virtue as well as the prerogative of a man in a more favoured position of life. Thus it is seen why the boatman’s manners, above described, coming so openly and frankly from a man who knew no better, were accepted as a well-meant effort to amuse the company at the expense of nobody but himself.

  7. In old times the theatre generally opened at about 10 o’clock in the morning, continuing until about 9 o’clock in the evening. What of the distance to cover on foot and of this early performance, theatregoers had to leave their homes early and made a complete day and evening of it.

  8. When the succession of a family line was considered paramount, no parents would agree to their heir or heiress marrying out of their family. The eldest son succeeded to the family name and estate. In case of a daughter being the only one to succeed, a man was chosen to marry her and take her family name, so that it would not pass out for the absence of a male child.

  9. In old time the geisha was not permitted to wear foot-cover in company of her guests, an idea to keep herself low out of her respect for their lordly patronage. However, the custom was often looked on as a privilege for a woman of dainty feet to indulge in.

  10. “San,” used after one’s name, is an honorific term used in more formal language and the one most used in accosting people.

  11. Ten o’clock.

  12. The 8th year of Bunsei was

  13. Hatamoto, the Shogun’s bodyguards; therefore, the most honoured amongst the samurai under the Shogunate regime.

  14. It is customary that the husband calls his wife’s name without any honorific term, whilst the wife addresses to him in a more honoured way.

  15. Sake, drink made from rice and the most common drink among the Japanese.

  16. Samisen or, often pronounced “shamisen,” is a musical instrument of three strings. It plays invariably a chief part in the music entertainment given by the geisha.

  17. Katobushi, a distinct musical product of “Edo civilization,” is one of those tunes which are played secondary to the chanted words often telling a dramatic episode or a tale complete in itself.