
Pastel portrait of a white male with blue eyes, mustache, sharp nose, full eyebrows, closely-cropped thinning hair, facing to his right.
Allenby (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an older white male with blue eyes, full mustache, full white hair parted on his left, facing forward.
Wilson (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of a ruddy clean-shaven white male in his thirties, with brown eyes, full red hair, long bulbous nose, facing to his right.
Boyle (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of a balding white male with blue eyes, sharp nose, thin mustache, black greying hair, facing to his right.
Storrs (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of a young white clean-shaven male in his thirties, with blue eyes, blonde hair, facing slightly to his right.
Author (Kennington)
Oil portrait of a white male in his late thirties with closely cropped black hair with a sharp widows peak, brown eyes, thin mustache, in formal wear, facing to his left.
Lloyd (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab man with brown eyes and beard, in a white robe with red kaffiyeh and black agal, facing to his left.
Emir Abdulla (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of a Persian man in formal military clothes with dark eyes, thin mustache, black hair, facing to his right.
Jaafar (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab man with long black hair, dark eyes, thin mustache and beard, in a light-coloured robe and patterned red kaffiyeh with a white agal.
Shakir (Kennington)
Pastel profile portrait of an Arab male with brown eyes, long black mustache and beard, in a grey robe with white kaffiyeh and black agal, facing to his right.
Auda abu Tayi (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab male with dark eyes and thin black mustache, in a dark robe, white kaffiyeh and white agal, holding a long, thin sword in his left hand.
Ali ibn el Hussein (Kennington)
Pastel portrait if an Arab male with dark eyes, black beard and long mustache, in a grey robe with white kaffiyeh and black agal, facing slightly to his left.
Nawaf Shaalan (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab man in military robe with four gold stars on each collar, with dark eyes, a long black mustache, white kaffiyeh and gold agal.
Ghalib (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab male with dark eyes and black circle beard in a multicoloured robe with a cream-coloured kaffiyeh and black agal.
Matar (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab male with grey eyes, a black Van Dyke type beard, in brown robe with a red kaffiyeh and black agal.
Mukheymer (Kennington)
Pastel profile portrait of an Arab male with dark eyes, thin eyebrows, thin black mustache and narrow beard, in a grey keffiyeh and dark agal.
Saad el Sikeini (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab male with long black braided hair, a thin mustache and jawline-beard, in a striped inner robe with a bandolier belt, a red outer-robe, white keffiyeh and black agal.
Mohammed el Sheheri (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab male with dark eyes, thin jawline-beard, in a white inner robe with black bandalier belt, dark outer robe with white kaffiyeh and black agal, holding a thin curved knife in his right hand.
Mahmas (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab male with dark eyes, black mustache and long black hair, in a white inner robe, grey outer robe, with a white kaffiyeh and black agal.
el Zaagi (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab male with dark eyes, thin black mustache, in grey robe, red kaffiyeh, and dark agal, facing to his right, with a brightly patterned blanket as background.
Serj (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of a barefooted, clean-shaven Arab male sitting cross-legged on the ground, with dark eyes, in a multicoloured horizontally stripped vest, loose trousers, a grey outer robe with red highlights, a white kaffiyeh and black agal, facing to his left.
Alayan (Kennington)
Pastel portrait of an Arab male sitting cross-legged on the ground, with dark eyes, black mustache and beard, a white inner robe with brown bandalier belt, brown outer robe with red nighlights, white kaffiyeh and black agal.
Hemeid Abu Jabir (Kennington)
Pastel upper-body portrait of an Arab male with dark eyes, black mustache and beard, dark robe, white kaffiyeh and black agal.
Tafas (Kennington)
Pastel upper-body portrait of an Arab male with blue eyes, black beard and pointed mustache, black hair curled at his ears, in a white robe, facing to his right.
Hussein Mohammed (Kennington)
Pastel upper-body portrait of an Arab male with dark eyes, thin mustache and beard, light-coloured robe with red kaffiyeh and black agal, facing his left and looking slightly downward.
Abd el Rahman (Kennington)
Charcoal profile upper-body portrait of an older white male, balding with short hair, grey mustache and Van Dyke beard, in formal wear, facing to his right.
Hogarth (John)
Charcoal shoulder portrait of a white male, balding in front with short mustache, in formal military clothes, facing slightly to his right but looking straight ahead.
Storrs (Sargent)
Pencil three-quarter portrait of a white male with walrus-style mustache seated in a chair, in shirt, tie, and jacket, with a kaffiyeh and agal.
Joyce (Dobson)
Chalk shoulder portrait of a white male with short mustache, hair parted on his left, in an open-necked shirt, facing to his left.
Young (Young)
Chalk head portrait of a white male with light-coloured eyes, mustache, thin short hair parted on his right, in a rounded collar shirt with tie, facing to his right.
Bartholomew (Gill)
Pencil head portrait of a clean-shaven white male with medium-length hair balding in front, dark eyes, facing to his left.
G. Dawnay (Lamb)
Pencil shoulder portrait of a clean-shaven white male, with wavy hair, light-coloured eyes, square-jawed, in a thin tie and jacket.
Junor (Spencer)
Pencil shoulder portrait of a middle-aged white male with short military haircut parted on his left, with dark eyes, short mustache, in military jacket.
Newcombe (Roberts)
Pencil shoulder portrait of a twenties white male with short military haircut, short mustache, in an open-collar shirt, facing to his left.
Buxton (Roberts)
Chalk shoulder portrait of an older white male with dark eyes, white mustache, bald on top with short hair on sides, facing to his left.
Wingate (Roberts)
Pencil upper-body portrait of an older white male with very short grey hair parted on his left, full grey mustache, in rounded-collar shirt, tie, vest, and jacket, facing to his left.
McMahon (Roberts)
Pencil head portrait of a white male with full mustache, short hair parted on his left, dark eyes, facing to his right.
Winterton (Roberts)
Chalk three-quarter portrait of a clean-shaven white male with short slicked-back hair, in military uniform with a Sam Browne belt, facing to his right.
A. Dawnay (Rothenstein)
Pen and wash upper body portrait of a middle-aged white male with light eyes, dark hair parted on his left, dark mustache, in three-piece suit, facing to his right.
Clayton (Nicholson)
Pencil head portrait of a young, white clean-shaven male in kaffiyeh and agal, facing to his right.
Author (John)