The Whale swallowing the Mariner with his infinite-resource-and-sagacity.
The Whale looking for the little ’Stute Fish, who is hiding under the Doorsills of the Equator.
The Djinn making the beginnings of the Magic that brought the Humph to the Camel.
The Djinn in charge of All Deserts guiding the Magic with his magic fan.
The Parsee beginning to eat his cake on the Uninhabited Island in the Red Sea on a very hot day …
The Parsee Pestonjee Bomonjee sitting in his palm-tree and watching the Rhinoceros Strorks bathing …
This is Wise Baviaan, the dog-headed Baboon, Who is Quite the Wisest Animal in All South Africa.
The Leopard and the Ethiopian after they had taken Wise Baviaan’s advice.
The Elephant’s Child having his nose pulled by the Crocodile.
The Elephant’s Child going to pull bananas off a banana-tree after he had got his fine new long trunk.
Old Man Kangaroo when he was the Different Animal with four short legs.
Old Man Kangaroo at five in the afternoon, when he had got his beautiful hind legs …
An inciting map of the Turbid Amazon done in Red and Black.
The Jaguar and the Hedgehog and the Tortoise and the Armadillo all in a heap.
Taffy’s drawing on birch-bark.
The story of Taffimai Metallumai carved on an old tusk a very long time ago …
A magic Alphabet-necklace of all the letters.
Pau Amma the Crab running away while the Eldest Magician was talking to the Man and his Little Girl Daughter.
Pau Amma the Crab rising out of the sea as tall as the smoke of three volcanoes.
The Cave where the Man and the Woman lived first of all.
The Cat that Walked by Himself, walking by his wild lone through the Wet Wild Woods and waving his wild tail.
The Animal that came out of the sea and ate up all the food that Suleiman-bin-Daoud had made ready …
The four gull-winged Djinns lifting up Suleiman-bin-Daoud’s Palace the very minute after the Butterfly had stamped.