
  1. Lord Byron’s Fourth Canto of Childe Harolde.

  2. Shakespeare’s Sonnets.

  3. Calderon de la Barca.

  4. See an ingenious Essay, entitled, “The Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients Demonstrated,” by Mackey, a shoemaker, of Norwich printed in 1822.

  5. Burke’s Reflections on the French Revolution.

  6. Elton’s translation of Hesiod’s Works.

  7. Shakespeare’s Sonnets.

  8. Calderon de la Barca.

  9. Coleridge’s Translation of Schiller’s Wallenstein.

  10. Calderon de la Barca.

  11. Wordsworth.

  12. Keats.

  13. Andrew Marvell.

  14. The Cenci.

  15. The Brides’ Tragedy, by T. L. Beddoes, Esq.

  16. Wordsworth.

  17. Prior’s Solomon.

  18. Cleveland’s Poems.

  19. Elton’s translation of Hesiod.

  20. Cleveland’s Poems.

  21. Chorus in Oedipus Coloneus.

  22. Shakespeare⁠—Julius Caesar.

  23. Elton’s Translation of Hesiod’s Shield of Hercules.

  24. Burke’s Reflections on the French Revolution.

  25. Mary Wollstonecraft’s Letters from Norway.

  26. Solomon’s Song.