The most fascinating woman in Petersburg. ↩
God has given it to me, let him who touches it beware! ↩
Cousinhood is a dangerous neighborhood. ↩
To err is human. ↩
You expect to make an income out of the government. ↩
So that squares matters. ↩
Hors d’oeuvres. ↩
Do you know the proverb? ↩
That suits us down to the ground. ↩
Hollow. ↩
I just ask you that. ↩
Catherine. ↩
A bastard. ↩
And all that follows therefrom. ↩
“Marlborough is going to the wars; God knows when he’ll return.” ↩
To understand all is to forgive all. ↩
Kutúzov. ↩
“Good God, what simplicity!” ↩
“Forty thousand men massacred and the army of our allies destroyed, and you find that a cause for jesting!” ↩
“It is all very well for that good-for-nothing fellow of whom you have made a friend, but not for you, not for you.” ↩
“A very good morning! A very good morning!” ↩
“Busy already?” ↩
“Hurrah for the Austrians! Hurrah for the Russians! Hurrah for Emperor Alexander!” ↩
“And hurrah for the whole world!” ↩
“But my dear fellow, with all my respect for the Orthodox Russian army, I must say that your victory was not particularly victorious.” ↩
“We must let him off the u!” ↩
Fine eyes. ↩
Ours. ↩
“Woman is man’s companion.” ↩
The marshalls. ↩
Bridgehead. ↩
That their fire gets into his eyes and he forgets that he ought to be firing at the enemy. ↩
“That Russian army which has been brought from the ends of the earth by English gold, we shall cause to share the same fate—(the fate of the army at Ulm).” ↩
“This is a pleasure one gets in camp, Prince.” ↩
“On vous fera danser.” ↩
“What’s he singing about?” ↩
Daughter of Matthew. ↩
“I love you.” ↩
Anna Pávlovna. ↩
The little one is charming. ↩
“Indeed, Sire, we shall do everything it is possible to do, Sire.” ↩
“Hang these Russians!” ↩
Nikoláy. ↩
Till tomorrow, my dear fellow. ↩
“You clear out of this.” ↩
I love you. ↩
“But what the devil was he doing in that galley?” ↩
Frühstück: breakfast. ↩
Denísov. ↩
To indicate he did not want more tea. ↩
“Europe will never be our sincere ally.” ↩
“Andréy, why didn’t you warn me?” ↩
“Delighted to see you. I am very glad to see you.” ↩
“You must know that this is a woman.” ↩
“For heaven’s sake.” ↩
“But, my dear, you ought on the contrary to be grateful to me for explaining to Pierre your intimacy with this young man.” ↩
“Princess, on my word, I did not wish to offend her.” ↩
“In a minute I shall be at your disposal.” ↩
“The principle of monarchies is honor seems to me incontestable. Certain rights and privileges for the aristocracy appear to me a means of maintaining that sentiment.” ↩
“If you regard the question from that point of view.” ↩
The Illuminati sought to substitute republican for monarchical institutions. ↩
“That’s a superb animal.” ↩
“Of a charming woman, as witty as she is lovely.” ↩
“That girl shall be my wife.” ↩
“Delighted to see you.” ↩
“He is all the rage just now.” ↩
To be a man. ↩
“Cousinhood is a dangerous neighborhood.” ↩
The French shawl dance. ↩
“He is charming; he has no sex.” ↩
To force the guard. ↩
Death gives relief and death is peaceful.
Ah! from suffering there is no other refuge. -
Poisonous nourishment of a too sensitive soul,
Thou, without whom happiness would for me be impossible,
Tender melancholy, ah, come to console me,
Come to calm the torments of my gloomy retreat,
And mingle a secret sweetness
With these tears that I feel to be flowing. -
Are the pretty women. ↩
“To shed (or not to shed) the blood of his peoples.” ↩
Old style. ↩
Those whom (God) wishes to destroy he drives mad. ↩
“Long live the king.” ↩
“Royalty has its obligations.” ↩
Forty-two. ↩
“Food for cannon.” ↩
“Moscow, the Asiatic capital of this great empire, the sacred city of Alexander’s people, Moscow with its innumerable churches shaped like Chinese pagodas.” ↩
“Child of the Don.” ↩
“Everything comes in time to him who knows how to wait.” ↩
“Don’t see it that way, that’s the trouble.” ↩
“When in doubt, my dear fellow, do nothing.” ↩
“Think it over; get into the barque, and take care not to make it a barque of Charon.” ↩
“It is the talk of all Moscow. My word, I admire you!” ↩
“Who excuses himself, accuses himself.” ↩
“A little bit in love with the young man.” ↩
A kind of entrenchment. ↩
“The war must be extended widely. I cannot sufficiently commend that view.” ↩
“Oh, yes, the only aim is to weaken the enemy, so of course one cannot take into account the loss of private individuals.” ↩
Lay member of the Society of Jesus. ↩
A masterly woman. ↩
“Oh, Mamma, don’t talk nonsense! You don’t understand anything. In my position I have obligations.” ↩
“No, tell him I don’t wish to see him, I am furious with him for not keeping his word to me.” ↩
“Countess, there is mercy for every sin.” ↩
“That Asiatic city of the innumerable churches, holy Moscow! Here it is then at last, that famous city. It was high time.” ↩
“Bring the boyars to me.” ↩
“My dear, my tender, my poor mother.” ↩
“House of my Mother.” ↩
To Rostopchín’s ferocious patriotism. ↩
“Good day, everybody!” ↩
“Are you the master here?” ↩
“Quarters, quarters, lodgings! The French are good fellows. What the devil! There, don’t let us be cross, old fellow!” ↩
“You can’t pass!” ↩
“Look here, no nonsense!” ↩
Though a foreigner, Russian in heart and soul. ↩
Our most gracious sovereign. ↩
Whose flames illumined his route. ↩
“My child! I love you and have known you a long time.” ↩
“Thank you for coming, my dear.” ↩
As looters. ↩
Large battalions are always victorious. ↩
A captain of Cossacks. ↩
“Ah, it’s you! Do you want something to eat? Don’t be afraid, they won’t hurt you.” ↩
“Come in, come in.” ↩
“Thank you, sir.” ↩
“Who goes there?” ↩
“Lancers of the 6th Regiment.” ↩
“Password.” ↩
“Tell me, is Colonel Gérard here?” ↩
“When an officer is making his round, sentinels don’t ask him for the password. … I am asking you if the colonel is here.” ↩
“Good day, gentlemen.” ↩
“To your places.” ↩
“Get along, get along!” ↩
“I have acted the Emperor long enough; it is time to act the general.” ↩
“It is great.” ↩
That it is great. ↩
“From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.” ↩
Knight without fear and without reproach. ↩
History of the Year 1812. The Character of Kutúzov and Reflections on the Unsatisfactory Results of the Battles at Krásnoe, by Bogdánovich. ↩
“Long live Henry the Fourth, that valiant king! That rowdy devil.” ↩
Who had a triple talent
For drinking, for fighting,
And for being a gallant old boy … -
Without faith or law. ↩
“I’m your man.” ↩