Dramatis Personae
The Bezúkhovs
Count Kiríl Vladímirovich Bezúkhov, a wealthy old grandee of the Empress Catherine the Great’s time. At his death his illegimate son Pierre inherits his title and estates.
Monsieur Pierre (20; all ages as of the start of the book), afterwards Count Pyotr Kirílych Bezúkhov. The Count’s illegitimate son, educated abroad, and easily led both into dissipation and into idealistic theories of life.
Katerína Semënovna Mámontova; Kátish, Catiche, “eldest princess.” The eldest of Kiríl Vladímirovich’s three nieces and expected beneficiaries of his will.
The Bolkónskis
Prince Nikoláy Andréevich Bolkónski. A harsh martinet, full of old-time prejudices, living a bitter, lonely life at his estate of Bald Hills.
Prince Andréy Nikoláevich Bolkónski (27); Andrúsha, André. Son of Nikoláy Andrévich, adjutant to General Kutúzov.
Princess Lizavéta Bolkónskaya (née Mienen); Lise, Liza, “little princess.” Andréy Nikoláevich’s wife.
Prince Nikoláy Andréevich Bolkónski; Nikolúshka, Koko, Nikólenka. Andréy and Lizavéta’s son.
Princess Márya Nikoláevna Bolkónskaya; Másha, Máshka, Marie.
The Drubetskóys
Prince Borís Drubetskóy; Borénka. A relation of the Rostóvs; cold, calculating, and selfish, and through influence is rapidly advanced.
Princess Anna Mikháylovna Drubetskáya. Poor but intriguing; Borís’ mother.
The Kurágins
Prince Vasíli Sergéevich Kurágin (“near 60”); Basile. Close relative of Count Kiríl Bezúkhov.
Prince Ippolit Kurágin; Hippolyte. Vasíli Sergéevich’s older son; in the diplomatic service, but dissipated and foolish.
Prince Anatole Kurágin. Vasíli Sergéevich’s younger son; a debauched spendthrift.
Princess Elèna Vasílievna Kurágina; Elèn, Hélène. Vasíli Sergéevich’s daughter.
The Rostóvs
Count Ilyá Andréevich Rostóv. A wealthy but extravagant proprietor whose affairs go from bad to worse.
Countess Natálya Rostóva (née Shinshiná), his wife.
Count Nikoláy Ilyítch Rostóv (20); Nikolúshka, Nikólenka, Nicolas. Ilyá Andréevich’s eldest son, openhearted, gallant, generous; serving in the hussars (cavalry).
Count Pyotr Ilýnich Rostóv (9); Pétya. Ilyá Andréevich’s youngest son.
Countess Véra Rostóva (19). Ilyá Andréevich’s oldest daughter; later married to Alphonse Berg.
Countess Natálya Ilyníchna Rostóva (13); Natásha, Natáli, Nathalie. Ilyá Andréevich’s youngest daughter.
Sófya Alexándrovna (15); Sónya, Sonyúshka; Sophie. Ilyá Andréevich’s orphan niece who lives with them.
Márya Dmítrievna Akhrosímova. The godmother to Natálya Rostóva, known as le terrible dragon.
Osip Alexéevich Bazdéev. The Freemason, Pierre’s “Benefactor.”
Alphonse Kárlovich Berg. A conceited young officer.
Vasíli Dmítrich Denísov; Váska, Vasíli Fëdorovich. A gallant soldier and poet.
Fëdor Iványch Dólokhov (25); Fédya. A gambler and roué, brave but bad.
Márya Ivánovna Dólokhova. The mother of Fëdor Iványch.
Julie Karágina (21). A friend of the Rostóv daughters.
Mikháil Ivánovich. Prince Nikoláy Bolkónski’s live-in architect.
General Mikháil Ilariónovich Kutúzov. The real-life commander-in-chief of the Russian army during Napoleon’s invasion.
Anna Pávlovna Schérer (40). A well-known Petersburg socialite, maid-of-honour to and favorite of the dowager empress Márya Fëderovna.