Sketch of a view from the top of a mountain, overlooking a forest. Tall white mountains rise in the distance from a plain.
Sketch of a country road going straight into the distance and winding over hills, with a small tree on the right hand side.
Sketch of a grove of trees, with hills of snow in the distance.
A photograph of an opened handheld folding fan, painted with a mountain on the face.
Sketched elevation relief map showing the Moselle River slightly winding from the top left to bottom right. The towns of Toul, Épinal, and Remiremont are marked along the river. A dashed arrow goes through the map from top left to bottom right, captioned “To Rome” on the bottom right. A small perspective sketch of a road with a hill is also drawn on the bottom right, above the words Ballon d’Alsace.
Sketch of the view of the city of Toul and fort of Saint Michel, with a wall going off to the distance in the right, with a town on a hillside sloping down into the distance on the right and left.
Sketch of a river opening into a lake, with hills in the distance and a wooden railing in the bottom left corner. Suggestions of river plants are drawn on the left, and shrubs and trees to the right.
Sketch of the valley of the moselle river, with trees in the foreground and distance, and hills in the background. Clouds are in the sky above the hills.
Sketch of a house built on top of what sees to be artificial ground surrounded by a wall.
Sketch of a boat on a canal to the left, with a towpath then a road to the right. Trees line the road, and a town with a church steeple is in the distance.
Sketch of a church, with a stone tower to the left and decorated pillars and apse to the right.
Sketch of a valley with a small village at the base of hills rising to the right. The valley continues on the left and ends in large hills in the background.
Sketch of a bank of trees on either side of a river, with fading hills in the distance.
Sketch of a stone cottage fading off to the left, with a stone arch bridge with 3 arches in the center. Steep hills are in the background.
Sketch of a small stone church set on a steep hillside, with the steeple on the left and a small path to the right.
Sketch of winding stream in a mountain valley, with a road and trees to the left and mountains straight ahead.
Sketched elevation relief map of a road winding up from one valley to a mountain summit, along the summit, then down into a second valley.
Sketch of a winding mountain summit with a road, looking directly on it as it winds through the tops of mountains.
Sketch of a view of several mountains with clouds in the distance.
Sketched elevation relief map, much longer than wide. Also drawn is a path or road from the Ballon d’Alsace in the north to Solothurn in the south the Swiss Frontier in the center. Small towns are labeled along the path, with a straight arrow drawn from north to south through the map.
Sketch of a path cutting through tall grass straight into distant mountains, with a cross raised on a slight stepped pedestal to the right of the path.
Sketch of a small marshy pond with reeds. Mountains are in the background with streaks of clouds above.
Sketch of a large, high isolated mountain rising on the left with a sheer cliff on the right, surrounded by a forest below.
Sketch of a wall of rectangular stone ending in a foundation along the ground but fading on the top and sides. A large horseshoe-shaped window is in the center, stretching from the foundation to about two-thirds of the way up the sketch.
Sketch of a stone window far taller than wide. Through the window is a view of a church steeple and small town, followed by a river and then a mountain in the distance.
Sketched elevation relief map of the area around the gorge of the doubs, with a line bisecting it from top left to bottom right, labeled “to Rome” in all capital letters. A river enters the map from the center left and runs in an inverted-C shape to exit on the bottom left. A white letter A is in the center.
Sketch of a gorge, with the river running through the right hand side at the bottom. A straight railroad line enters from the bottom left, goes through a tunnel, then out over a bridge that runs over the gorge toward the center.
Sketch of a railroad bridge with a thin rail on either side, leading off into the mountains behind.
Sketch of an open field valley, with shaded mountains behind and to the right. A large tree is on the far left of the field.
Sketch of an open path between to large vertical rock faces on either side and a large mountain ridge behind.
Sketch of a stand of trees with a far off mountain range behind, with sky above and a dark shaded plain below.
Sketch of the Alps with pine forest in the lower foreground, a large pine tree to the left, a deciduous tree without most of its leaves to the right, and a hilly valley in front of large peaks in the distance.
Sketch of a sheer cliff face to the right, with a view of a valley in the distance to the left, with more mountains behind.
Sketch of a stone tower fading off to the right, with a very rough sketch of a valley to the left.
Sketched elevation relief map with shaded sections of high mountains and very high mountains. It is bisected northwest to southeast by a line labeled “To Rome,” and several points of interest and towns are called out and labeled along the path.
Sketch of a mountain shaped nearly like a triangle, with a ridge extending to the right and left along the top.
Sketch of a steep descent of a mountainside, at about a sixty degree angle, with trees and/or bushes about halfway up the slope, and a small figure near the top. A dotted line with an arrow on the end extends from the figure out and down at about a forty-five degree angle.
Sketch of a mountainside slope from the top left to bottom right. A lake is along the bottom, and a shaded background of more mountains is on the right side of the slope.
Sketched elevation relief map of darkly shaded valleys, with shaded belts surrounding them. The edge of each valley has a letter, starting the top and going clockwise: A, B, F, E, D and C. All the valleys/shaded areas save for one (labeled E) intersect in the center of the map. The area to the north side and left is labeled “Bernese Alps,” and the south and left “Pennine Alps.” A dotted line ending in an arrow traverses the map from top left to bottom right, ending in an arrow.
A two-dimensional line where the line starts flat on the left, then rises a moderate amount, and is labeled Box Hill. Then the line drops into a valley, and then remains flat through the center, labeled The Weald. Finally, the line rises again a great deal, and is labeled Chanctonbury, after which it drops off and ends.
A two-dimensional line where the line starts flat on the left, then rises a very small amount, and is labeled Box Hill. Then the line drops a very small amount and goes up and down in small amounts through the center, labeled The Weald. Finally, the line rises again a very small amount, and is labeled Chanctonbury, after which it barely drops back down and ends.
Sketch showing a deep gorge, labeled Grimsel Pass. A glacier is marked with a dotted line, label, and arrow. The Rhone is labeled with an arrow pointing to the lowest point in the gorge. Along the top of the page is a dotted line going up and down and labeled Furka Pass.
Sketch of an even steeper gorge than the previous diagram, with no labels, but retaining the solid and dotted lines.
Sketched elevation relief map with labels: B on the left, D on the top, A on the top right, E in the center, and C on the right.
Sketch showing outlines of several mountains with grey shading obscuring most of the view. A small building stands in the distance on the bottom slightly left of center.
Sketch of a ravine with mountains in the distance and to each side, and forests below.
Sketch of a sloped hillside with scattered buildings and forests, with several church towers visible above various buildings.
Sketch of the view of a block wall in the foreground, a stone railroad bridge in the center going over a great ravine, and forests leading up to mountains in the distance.
Five bars of musical notation on the treble clef, in the key of D, and labeled with a tempo of Vivace.
Four bars of musical notation on the treble clef, in the key of C, and labeled with a tempo of Valorosissimo.
Sketch of an ornate arch along the wall of a building. Within the arch is a balcony, and above it on the next story of the building is another balcony.
Sketch of a road with trees and bushes to either side, going straight into the distance. Four mountain slopes are in the background, high on the left and low on the right.
Sketch of a lake in the mountains, with a small building with a steeple in the foreground, and great hills in the background. Further in the background almost as if in the sky are mountain tops.
Sketch of a wooded mountain pass leading into a valley with a lake. Mountains are barely visible further in the distance.
Sketch with a boat floating on a lake in the foreground, covered by canvas in the manner of a wagon. A small tower sits behind, with mountains further in the distance.
Sketch of an arched stone courtyard entrance. The stone wall is decorated above the arch with carvings, and terra cotta tile lines the roof.
Sketch of a church with a bell tower and clock in a rainstorm, with a lot of rain falling from right to left.
Sketch of a broad, flat road, with hills to the right and the sky above. A few trees are drawn along the right side of the road. The road has lighter areas of shading, which make it look like it is wet.
Sketched elevation relief map showing a mountain range from the top left to bottom center, labeled “Main Crest and Peaks of Apennines.” Smaller hills and valleys jut out from the range, and a dotted path along the right, from top to bottom, goes through several labeled towns, Tornoyo, Calestaro, Tizzano, and Sillano. “Serchio” labels the river at the bottom right of the map.
Sketch of a knife with a oval wooden handle and curved blade ending in a point.
Sketch of a river marsh with hills to either side. A village is on the hillside to the right, and forest to the left. Vague mountains are drawn in the distance.
Sketch with a path bordered by trees to the left, a mountain peak in the center, a smaller peak on the far right, and a wide plain in the background below a clear sky.
Sketch of a large flat-topped rock in the center, with clouds in the sky to the right and mountains in the background.
Sketch of a town and castle grouped together on a hillside, with all the buildings apparently touching, surrounded by a wall.
Sketch of a hillside. On the bottom left is a river, halfway up on a flat area is a tower. Another structure of some kind is on a further hillside behind and to the left.
Sketch of a mountain ridge along the top, with a fortress or town surrounded by woods about halfway up. A few trees or bushes line a path to the bottom left.
Sketch of a hilly riverbank viewed from the far side of the river. A large tree is seen on the far side to the right, and two tripod-like wooden structures support a plank on the right hand side about halfway across, with a ladder leading up to the plank. a few rocks stick out of the water in front of the ladder.
Sketch of a flat topped mountain in the center under a cloudy sky. A small forest is in the foreground with hills to the sides and in the background.
Sketch of vale with grasses and trees in the foreground to the left, and rocky hills in the distance.
Sketch of a small castle and town on a hillside, with all the buildings bunched together and a bell tower the highest building in the center.
Sketch of a small town on a hillside, with a stone arch bridge in the center over a ravine, viewed from over a low stone wall.
Sketch of a tall tower with three sets of elongated arched windows. Trees are lined up along the left, partially covering the base of the tower, and mountains are in the distance.
Sketch of stone block city walls with a tower on the right.
Sketch of a valley with a fence to the left, trees in the center, and rolling hills in the distance.
Sketch of a silhouette of a large tree next to a tower on a forested hillside, with the sky above and a hill in the distance.
Sketch of a ruined castle on a hillside with a path on the left hand side. Mountains are in the distance.
Sketch of a road with a low dark building to the left, a small building in the distance in front of a hillside, and great stone walls running along the right.
Sketch of a view of rolling hills with a small structure in standing up in the low center. A large hill rises from the plain further in the distance.
Sketch of a road with walls to either side, leading down into a large city in the distance.
Nineteen bars of musical notation on the treble clef, in the key of G. Lyrics in Italian are given below the music.
Sketch of a brick or stone wall with a peg sticking out. Hanging on the peg are boots and a walking stick. The words “Ex Voto” are carved into the wall on either side.