
  1. Household servants.

  2. Nero’s name was originally L. Domitius Ahenobarbus.

  3. Here he is.

  4. The slayer of Caligula.

  5. Ιησούς Χριστός, Θεού Υιός, Σωτήρ (Iesous Christos, Theou Uios, Soter).

  6. ΙΧΘΥΣ (Ichthus), the Greek word for “fish.”

  7. Aedon turned into a nightingale.

  8. A man who labors with chained feet.

  9. “I came, I saw, I conquered.”

  10. “I came, I saw, I fled.”

  11. The matron who accompanies the bride and explains to her the duties of a wife.

  12. The inhabitants of Italy were freed from military service by Augustus, in consequence of which the so-called cohors Italica, stationed generally in Asia, was composed of volunteers. The pretorian guards, in so far as they were not composed of foreigners, were made up of volunteers.

  13. Yellow hair.

  14. In the time of the Caesars a legion was always 12,000 men.

  15. Of one husband.

  16. Buffoon.

  17. Actor.

  18. A robe with train, worn especially by tragic actors.

  19. The lowest part of the prison, lying entirely underground, with a single opening in the ceiling. Jugurtha died there of hunger.

  20. Morning games.

  21. “I seek not thee, I seek a fish;
    Why flee from me O Gaul?”

  22. “Good! he has caught it!”

  23. “Christ reigns!”

  24. A proverbial expression meaning “The dullest of the dull” —⁠Note by the Author

  25. Death.

  26. “The city and the world!”