Canon is the French word for cannon; it is also used in vulgar parlance to mean a glass of wine drunk at the bar. ↩
Battre les murailles—to beat the walls—has a slang meaning: to be so drunk that you can’t see, or can’t lie down without holding on. ↩
Literally, red bowels—common slang for hard drinkers. ↩
Cuir is an expression used to denote the error in speaking, which consists—in French—in pronouncing a t for an s, and vice versa at the end of words which are joined in pronunciation to the next word: e.g., il étai-z-à la campagne for il était à la campagne. ↩
In the slang vocabulary, to console one’s coffee means to add brandy to it. ↩
A négresse is a bottle of red wine, and, as applied to that article, morte (dead) means empty. ↩