Amblyrynchus Demarlii: a species of lizard found on some of the islands of the Galapagos Archipelago.
A mineral with inclusions resembling small plants.
Two tiny sea-creatures with bodies like tubes with conical ends, joined together.
A drawing of the head and bill of the Scissor-beak bird, from the side, showing the much longer lower mandible, and from above showing its laterally flattened beak.
A globular fungus with its entire surface deeply pitted or honeycombed.
Sketch map of the glacier which reaches the Gulf of Penas, showing the length and width of the glacier, and a morass to the west of it.
Sketch map of the islands of the Galapagos Archipelago, consisting of ten principal islands, of which five are much larger than the others.
1. Geospiza magnirostris. 2. Geospiza fortis. 3. Geospiza parvula. 4. Certhidea olivasea.
Amblyrhynchus cristatus. a: Tooth of, natural size, and likewise magnified.
A drawing of a coral atoll in the Pacific Ocean showing its circular formation.
Drawing of the interior of a coral atoll, with an island and distinct peak in the center.
1. Vanikoro. 2. Gambier Islands. 3. Maurua. The horizontal shading shows the barrier-reefs and lagoon-channels. The inclined shading above the level of the sea (A) shows the actual form of the land; the inclined shading below this line, shows its probable prolongation under water.
AA. Outer edges of the fringing-reef, at the level of the sea. BB. The shores of the fringed island. A′A′. Outer edges of the reef, after its upward growth during a period of subsidence, now converted into a barrier, with islets on it. B′B′. The shores of the now encircled island. CC. Lagoon-channel. N.B. In this and the following woodcut, the subsidence of the land could be represented only by an apparent rise in the level of the sea.
A′A′. Outer edges of the barrier-reef at the level of the sea, with islets on it. B′B′. The shores of the included island. CC. The lagoon-channel. A″A″. Outer edges of the reef, now converted into an atoll. C′. The lagoon of the new atoll. N.B.—According to the true scale, the depths of the lagoon-channel and lagoon are much exaggerated.
The interior structure of a volcanic bomb, showing the coarsely cellular central part, the cells decreasing in size towards the top of the drawing, followed by a shell-like case and outer crust.