A Subtle Traitor
Down below, in the banqueting-hall, Gilda’s departure had at first been followed by a general feeling of obsession, which caused the grave men here assembled to remain silent for awhile and pondering. There was no lack of sympathy, I repeat; not even on the part of the Stadtholder, whose heart and feelings were never wholly atrophied. But there had sprung up in the minds of these grave burghers an unreasoning feeling of suspicion toward the man whom they had trusted implicitly such a brief while ago.
Terror at the imminence of their danger, the appearance of the dreaded foe almost at their very gates, had in a measure—as terror always will—blurred the clearness of their vision, and to a certain extent warped their judgements. The man now appeared before them as a stranger, therefore a person to be feared, even despised to the extent of attributing the blackest possible treachery to him. They forgot that the closest possible ties of blood and of tradition bound the English gentleman to the service of the Prince of Orange. Sir Percy Blakeney now, and Diogenes the soldier of fortune of awhile ago, were one and the same. But no longer so to them. The adder’s fork had bitten into their soul and left its insidious poison of suspicion and of misbelief.
So none of them spoke, hardly dared to look on Mynheer Beresteyn, who, they felt, was not altogether with them in their distrust. The Stadtholder had lapsed into one of his surly moods. His lean, brown hands were drumming a devil’s tattoo upon the table.
Then suddenly Nicolaes broke into a harsh and mirthless laugh.
“It would all be a farce,” he exclaimed with bitter malice, “if it did not threaten to become so tragic.” Then he turned to the Stadtholder, and his manner became once more grave and earnest. “Your Highness, I entreat,” he said soberly, “deign to come away with me at once, ere you fall into some trap set by those abominable spies—”
“Nicolaes,” his father broke in sternly, “I forbid you to make these base insinuations against your sister’s husband.”
“I’ll be silent if you command me,” Nicolaes rejoined quietly. “But methinks that his Highness’s life is too precious for sentimental quibbles. Nay,” he went on vehemently, and like one who is forced into speech against his will, “I have warned Gilda of this before. While were all waiting here calmly, trusting to that stranger who came, God knows whence, he was warning De Berg to effect a quick crossing.”
“It is false!” protested the burgomaster hotly.
“Then, I pray you,” Nicolaes insisted hotly, “tell me how it is that De Berg did forestall his Highness’s plans? Who was in the council-chamber when the plans were formulated save yourselves? Who knew of the orders to Marquet? Marquet hath not gone to relieve Arnheim, and the armies of the Archduchess are at our gates!”
He paused, and a murmur of assent went round the room, and when Mynheer Beresteyn once more raised his voice in protest, saying firmly: “I’ll not believe it! Let us wait at least until we’ve heard what news my lord hath brought!” No one spoke in response, and even the Stadtholder shrugged his shoulders, as if the matter of a man’s honour or dishonour had no interest for him.
“Your Highness,” Nicolaes went on with passionate earnestness, “let me beg of you on my knees to think of your noble father, of the trap into which he fell, and of his assassin, Gérard—a stranger, too—”
“But this man saved my life once!” the Stadtholder said, with an outburst of generous feeling in favour of the man to whom, in truth, he owed so much.
“He hated Stoutenburg then, your Highness,” Nicolaes retorted, and boldly looked his father in the face—his father who knew his own share in that hideous conspiracy three months ago. “He loved my sister Gilda. It suited his purpose then to use his sword in your Highness’s service. But remember, he is only a soldier of fortune after all. Have we not all of us heard him say a hundred times that he had lived hitherto by selling his sword to the highest bidder?”
This time his tirade was greeted by a distinct murmur of approval. Only the burgomaster raised his voice admonishingly once more.
“Take care, Nicolaes!” he exclaimed. “Take care!”
“Take care of what?” the young man retorted with all his wonted arrogance, and challenged his father with a look.
“Would you give your only son away,” that look appeared to say, “in order to justify a stranger?”
Then, as indeed Mynheer Beresteyn remained silent, not exactly giving up the contention, but forced into passive acquiescence by the weight of public opinion and that inalienable feeling of family and kindred which makes most men or women defend their own against any stranger, Nicolaes continued, with magnificent assumption of patriotic fervor:
“Have we the right hazard so precious a thing as his Highness’s life for the sake of sparing my sister’s feelings?”
In this sentiment everyone was ready to concur. They did not actually condemn the stranger; they were not prepared to call him a traitor and a potential assassin, or to believe one half of Nicolaes Beresteyn’s insinuations. They merely put him aside, out of their minds, as not entering into their present schemes. And even the burgomaster could not gainsay the fact that his son was right.
The most urgent thing at the present juncture was to get the Stadtholder safely back to his camp at Utrecht. Every minute spent in this garrisonless city was fraught with danger for the most precious life in the United Provinces.
“Where is his Highness’s horse?” he asked.
“Just outside,” Nicolaes replied glibly; “in charge of a man I know. Mine is ready too. Indeed, we should get to horse at once.”
The Stadtholder did not demur.
“Have the horses brought to,” he said quickly. “I’ll be with you in a trice.”
Nicolaes hurried out of the room, his Highness remaining behind for a moment or two, in order to give his final instructions, a last admonition or two to the burghers.
“Do not resist,” he said earnestly. “You have not the means to do aught but to resign yourselves to the inevitable. As soon as I can, I will come to your relief. In the meanwhile, conciliate De Berg by every means in your power. He is not a harsh man, and the Archduchess has learnt a salutary lesson from the discomfiture of Alva. She knows by now that we are a stiff-necked race, whom it is easier to cajole than to coerce. If only you will be patient! Can you reckon on your citizens not to do anything rash or foolish that might bring reprisals upon your heads?”
“Yes,” the burgomaster replied. “I think we can rely on them for that. When your Highness has gone we’ll assemble on the market place, and I will speak to them. We’ll do our best to stay the present panic and bring some semblance of order into the town.”
Their hearts were heavy. ’Twas no use trying to minimize the deadly peril which confronted them. There was a century of oppression, of ravage, and pillage, and bloodshed to the credit of the Spanish armies. It was difficult to imagine that the spirit of an entire nation should have changed suddenly into something more tolerant and less cruel.
However, for the moment, there was nothing more to be said, and alas! it was not as if the whole terrible situation was a novel one. They had all been through it before, at Leyden and Bergen-op-Zoom, at Haarlem and Delft, when they were weeping their land free from the foreign tyrant; and it was useless at this hour to add to the Stadtholder’s difficulties by futile lamentations. All the more as Nicolaes had now returned with the welcome news that the horses were there, and everything ready for his Highness’s departure. He appeared more excited than before, anxious to get away as quickly as may be.
“There is a rumour in the town,” he said, “that Spanish vedettes have been spied less than a league away.”
“And have you heard any rumour as to the arrival of our Diogenes?” the Stadtholder asked casually.
Nicolaes hesitated a moment ere he replied: “I have heard nothing definite.”
A minute later the Stadtholder was in the hall. The doors were open and the horses down below in the charge of an equerry.
Nicolaes, halfway down the outside stone steps, looked the picture of fretful impatience. With a dark frown upon his brow, he was scanning the crowd, and now and again a curse broke through his set lips when he saw the Stadtholder still delayed by futile leave-takings.
“In the name of heaven, let us to horse!” he exclaimed almost savagely.
Just at that moment his Highness was taking a kindly farewell of Gilda.
“I wish, mejuffrouw,” he was saying, “that you had thought of taking shelter in our camp.”
Gilda forced herself to listen to him, her lips tried to frame the respectful words which convention demanded. But her eyes she could not control, nor yet her thoughts, and they were fixed upon the crowd down below, just as were those of her brother Nicolaes. She thought that every moment she must catch sight of that plumed hat, towering above the throng, of those sturdy shoulders, forging their way to her. But all that she saw was the surging mass of people. A medley of colour. Horses, carts, the masts of ships. People running. And children. Numberless children, in arms or on their tiny feet; the sweet, heavy burdens that made the present disaster more utterly catastrophic.
Then suddenly she gave a loud cry.
“My lord!” she called, at the top of her voice. Then something appeared to break in her throat, and it was with a heartrending sob that she murmured almost inaudibly: “Thank God! It is my lord!”
The Stadtholder turned, was across the hall and out in the open in a trice.
“Where?” he demanded.
She ran after him, seized his surcoat with a trembling hand, and with the other pointed in the direction of the Koppel-poort.
“A plumed hat!” she murmured vaguely, for her teeth were chattering so that she could scarcely speak. “All broken and battered with wind and weather—a torn jerkin—a mud-stained cloak. He is leading his horse. He has a three days’ growth of beard on his chin, and looks spent with fatigue. There! Do you not see him?”
But Nicolaes already had interposed.
“To horse, your Highness!” he cried.
He would have given worlds for the privilege to seize the Stadtholder then and there by the arm, and to drag him down the steps and set him on his horse before the meeting which he dreaded could take place. But Maurice of Nassau, torn between his desire to get out of the threatened city as quickly as possible and his wish to speak with the messenger whom an inalienable instinct assured him that he could trust, was lingering on the steps trying in his turn to catch sight of Diogenes.
“Beware of the assassin’s dagger, your Highness!” Nicolaes whispered hoarsely in his ear. “In this crowd who can tell? Who knows what deathly trap is being laid for you?”
“Not by that man, I’ll swear!” the Stadtholder affirmed.
“Nay, if he is loyal he can follow you to the camp and report to you there. But for God’s sake remember your father and the miscreant Gérard. There too, a crowd; the hustling, the hurry! In the name of your country, come away!”
There was no denying the prudence of this advice. Another instant’s hesitation, the obstinacy of an arbitrary temperament that abhors being dictated to, the Stadtholder was ready to go. Gilda, on the top of the steps, was more like a stone statue of expectancy than like a living woman. Nay, all that she had alive in her were just her eyes, and they had spied her beloved. He was then by the Koppel-poort, some hundred yards or more on the other side of the quay, with a seething mass of panic-stricken humanity between him and the steps of Mynheer Beresteyn’s house.
He had dismounted and was leading his horse. The poor beast, spent with fatigue, looked ready to drop, and, indeed, appeared too dazed to pick his own way through the crowd. As it was, he was more than a handful for his equally wearied master, whose difficulties were increased a hundredfold by the number of small children who were forever getting in the way of the horse’s legs, and were in constant danger of being kicked or trampled on.
But Gilda never lost sight of him now that she had seen him. With every beat of her heart she was measuring the footsteps that separated him from the Stadtholder. And the more Nicolaes fretted to hurry his Highness away, the more she longed and yearned for the quick approach of her beloved.
Amongst all those here present, Gilda was the only one who scented some unseen danger for them all in Nicolaes’ strangely feverish haste. What the others took for zeal, she knew by instinct was naught but treachery. What form this would take she could not guess; but this she knew, that for some motive as sinister as it was unexplainable, Nicolaes did not wish the Stadtholder and his messenger to meet. That same motive had caused him to utter all those venomous accusations against her husband, and was even now wearing him into a state of fretfulness which bordered on dementia.
“My lord!” she cried out to her beloved at one time; and felt that even through all the din and clatter her voice had reached his ear, for he raised his head, and it even seemed to her as if his eyes met hers above the intervening crowd and as if the supernal longing for him which was in her heart had drawn him with its mystic power over every obtruding obstacle.
For, indeed, the next moment he was right at the foot of the steps, not five paces from the Stadtholder.
Nicolaes spied him in a moment, and a loud curse broke from his lips.
“That skulking assassin!” he cried; and with a magnificent gesture covered the Stadtholder with his body. “To horse, your Highness, and leave me to deal with him!”
Maurice of Nassau, indeed was one of the bravest men of his time, but the word “assassin” was bound to ring unpleasantly in the ears of a man whose father had met his death at a murderer’s hand. Half-ashamed of his fears, he nevertheless did take advantage of Nicolaes’ theatrical attitude to slip behind him and mount his horse as quickly as he could. But with his foot already in the stirrup compunction appeared to seize him. Wishing to palliate the gross insult which was being hurled at the man who had once saved his life at imminent peril of his own, he now turned and called to him in gracious, matter-of-fact tones:
“Why, man, what made you tarry so long? Come with us to Utrecht now. We can no longer wait.”
With this he swung himself in the saddle.
“Not another step man, at your peril!”
This came from Nicolaes Beresteyn, who was still standing in a dramatic pose between Diogenes and the Stadtholder, with his cloak wrapped around his arm.
“Stand back, you fool!!” retorted the other loudly, and would have pushed past him, when suddenly Nicolaes disengaged his arm from his cloak wrapped around his arm.
For one fraction of a second the gleam of steel flashed in the humid air; then, without a word of warning, swift as a hawk descending on his prey, he struck at Diogenes with all his might.
It had all happened in a very few brief seconds. Diogenes, spent with fatigue, or actually struck, staggered and half fell against the bottom step. But Gilda, with a loud cry, was already by his side, and as Nicolaes raised his arm to strike once again, she was on him like some lithe pantheress.
She seized his wrist, and gave it such a violent twist that he uttered a cry of pain, and the dagger fell with a clatter to the ground. After which everything became a blur. She heard her brother’s loudly triumphant shout:
“His Highness’s life was threatened. Mine was but an act of justice!” even as he in his turn swung himself into the saddle.
The Stadtholder looked dazed. It had all happened so quickly that he had not the time to visualize it all. De Voocht, who was in the hall of the burgomaster’s house from the moment when the Stadtholder bade farewell to Gilda until that when he dug his spurs into his horse and scattered the crowd in every direction, tells us in his “Brieven”—the one which is dated March 21, 1626—that the incidents followed on one another with such astounding rapidity that it was impossible for anyone to interfere.
All that he remembers very clearly is seeing his Highness getting to horse, then the flash of steel in the air and Nicolaes Beresteyn’s arm upraised ready to strike. He could not see if anyone had fallen. The next moment he heard Gilda’s heart-piercing shriek, and saw her running down the stone steps—almost flying, like a bird.
Mynheer Beresteyn followed his daughter as rapidly as he could. He reached the foot of the steps just as his son put his horse to a walk in the wake of his Highness. He was wont to say afterwards that at the moment his mind was an absolute blank. He had heard his daughter’s cry and seen Nicolaes strike; but he had not actually seen Diogenes. Now he was just in time to see his son’s final dramatic gesture and to hear his parting words:
“There, father,” Nicolaes shouted to him, and pointed to the ground, “is the pistol which the miscreant pointed at the Stadtholder when I struck him down like a dog!”
The people down on the quay had hardly perceived anything. They were too deeply engrossed in their own troubles and deadly peril.
When the horses reared under the spur they scattered like so many hens out of the way of immediate danger; but a second or two later they were once more surging everywhere, intent only on the business of getting away.
Gilda, at the foot of the steps, saw and heard nothing more. The sudden access of almost manlike strength wherewith she had fallen on her brother and wrenched the murderous dagger from his grasp had as suddenly fallen from her again. Her knees were shaking; she was almost ready to swoon.
She put out her arms and encountered those of her father, which gave her support. Her brother’s voice, exultant and cruel, reached her ears as through a veil.
“My lord!” she murmured, in a pitiful appeal.
She did not know how severely he had been struck; indeed, she had not seen him fall. Her instinct had been to rush on Nicolaes first and to disarm him. In this she succeeded. Then only did she turn to her beloved.
But the crowd, cruelly indifferent, was all around like a surging sea. They pushed and they jostled; they shouted and filled the air with a medley of sounds. Some actually laughed. She saw some comely faces and ugly ones; some that wept and others that grinned. It seemed to her even for a moment that she caught sight of a round red face and of lean and lanky Socrates. She tried to call to him, to beg him to explain. She turned to her father, asking him if in truth she was going mad.
For she called in vain to her beloved. He was no longer here.