How Apuleius was accused by an old man, and how he answered for himself.
Oh most reverend and just judges, the thing which I propose to declare to you is no small matter, but toucheth the estate and tranquillity of this whole city, and the punishment thereof may be a right good example to others. Wherefore I pray you most venerable fathers, to whom and every one of whom it doth appertain, to provide for the dignity and safety of the commonweal, that you would in nowise suffer this wicked homicide, embrued with the blood of so many murdered citizens, to escape unpunished. And think you not that I am moved thereunto by envy or hatred, but by reason of my office, in that I am captain of the night watch, and because no man alive should accuse me to be remiss in the same I will declare all the whole matter, orderly as it was done last night.
This night past, when as at our accustomed hour I diligently searched every part of the city, behold I fortuned to espy this cruel young man drawing out his sword against three citizens, and after a long combat foughten between them, he murdered one after another miserably: which when he had done, moved in his conscience at so great a crime he ran away, and aided by the reason of darkness, slipped into a house, and there lay hidden all night, but by the providence of the gods, which suffereth no heinous offence to pass unpunished, he was taken by us this morning before he escaped any further, and so brought hither to your honourable presence to receive his desert accordingly.
So have you here a guilty person, a culpable homicide, and an accused stranger, wherefore pronounce you judgment against this man being an alien, when as you would most severely and sharply revenge such an offence found in a known citizen. In this sort the cruel accuser finished and ended his terrible tale. Then the crier commanded me to speak, if I had anything to say for myself, but I could in nowise utter any word at all for weeping. And on the other side I esteemed not so much his rigorous accusation, as I did consider mine own miserable conscience. Howbeit, being inspired by divine audacity, at length I gan say, Verily I know that it is an hard thing for him that is accused to have slain three persons, to persuade you that he is innocent, although he should declare the whole truth, and confess the matter how it was indeed, but if your honours will vouchsafe to give me audience, I will show you, that if I am condemned to die, I have not deserved it as mine own desert, but that I was moved by fortune and reasonable cause to do that fact. For returning somewhat late from supper yesternight (being well tippled with wine, which I will not deny) and approaching nigh to my common lodging, which was in the house of one Milo a citizen of this city, I fortuned to espy three great thieves attempting to break down his walls and gates, and to open the locks to enter in. And when they had removed the doors out of the hooks, they consulted amongst themselves, how they would handle such as they found in the house. And one of them being of more courage, and of greater stature than the rest, spake unto his fellows and said, Tush you are but boys, take men’s hearts unto you, and let us enter into every part of the house, and such as we find asleep let us kill, and so by that means we shall escape without danger. Verily ye three judges, I confess that I drew out my sword against those three citizens, but I thought it was the office and duty of one that beareth goodwill to this wealpublic, so to do, especially since they put me in great fear, and assayed to rob and spoil my friend Milo. But when those cruel and terrible men would in no case run away, nor fear my naked sword, but boldly resist against me, I ran upon them and fought valiantly. One of them which was the captain invaded me strongly, and drew me by the hair with both his hands, and began to beat me with a great stone: but in the end I proved the hardier man, and threw him down at my feet and killed him. I took likewise the second that clasped me about the legs and bit me, and slew him also. And the third that came running violently against me, after that I had stricken him under the stomach fell down dead. Thus when I had delivered myself, the house, mine host, and all his family from this present danger, I thought that I should not only escape unpunished, but also have some great reward of the city for my pains.
Moreover, I that have always been clear and unspotted of crime, and that have esteemed mine innocence above all the treasure of the world, can find no reasonable cause why upon mine accusation I should be condemned to die, since first I was moved to set upon the thieves by just occasion. Secondly, because there is none that can affirm, that there hath been at any time either grudge or hatred between us. Thirdly, we were men mere strangers and of no acquaintance. Last of all, no man can prove that I committed that fact for lucre or gain.
When I had ended my words in this sort, behold, I wept again piteously, and holding up my hands I prayed all the people by the mercy of the commonweal and for the love of my poor infants and children, to show me some pity and favour. And when their hearts were somewhat relented and moved by my lamentable tears, I called all the gods to witness that I was unguilty of the crime, and so to their divine providence, I committed my present estate, but turning myself again, I perceived that all the people laughed exceedingly, and especially my good friend and host Milo. Then thought I with myself, Alas where is faith? Where is remorse of conscience? Behold I am condemned to die as a murderer, for the safeguard of mine Host Milo and his family. Yet is he not contented with that, but likewise laugheth me to scorn, when otherwise he should comfort and help me.