- Aspen
Always associated with magic. Its trembling leaves give it a weird appearance.
- Bába Yagá
Russian witch, also Yagá-Búra.
- Babushka
The grandmother.
- Bárkhat
This word also means velvet.
- Bátyushka
Father in a general sense, meaning anybody older. Otéts is father, meaning the relationship of father and son.
- Birds’ milk
The Russian folktale expression for asking for the moon.
- Boyárs
This may be translated earls, but in the Russian social scale it only meant the bigger men, the seigneurs.
- Boyáryni
Countesses, feminine plural of boyár.
- Chúdo-Yúda
The Old Man of the Sea. This is a very clear loan from the Homeric Proteus.
- Dyádka
Uncle. A term of respect.
- Egórushko Zalyót
Means George the Bold Flier.
- Fatá
A long silken glove.
- Gúsli
A musical instrument, something like a zither with seven strings.
- Iváshko Zapéchnik
Iván, who is always sitting behind the stove.
- Iváshechko
A diminutive form of Iván.
- Iváshko
A diminutive form of Iván.
- Izbá
- Kaftán
A peasant’s overcoat, made very long.
- Khvalýnsk
The old name of the Caspian. Vide Vazúza and Vólga.
- Korolévich
King’s son. Koról, king.
- Korolévna
King’s wife.
- Ksálavy
Mythical birds, the meaning of which is entirely unknown.
- Mikháilo Ivánovich
The popular name for the bear.
- Mísha Kosolápy
Dmítri, the Bandy-legged.
- Morévna
Of the sea.
- Nikíta
From the Greek Νικήτης, conquer.
- Pope
Village priest.
- Pud
A Russian weight. Thirty-six pounds avoirdupois.
- Sarafán
A short sleeveless jacket, generally embroidered, worn over the bodice or the blouse.
- Sazhén
A length of seven feet.
- Sebézh
A city in the Vítebsk province, bordering on Poland. The Poles and the Mussulmen are all called infidels, Saracens or Busormany.
- Shúba
A fur mantle.
- Stárosta
Mayor of a town.
- Teléga
A peasant’s cart without springs.
- Tsarévich
Tsar’s son.
- Tyátya
- Tsarévna
Tsar’s wife.
- Úkaz
Imperial edict.
- Ványa
A diminutive form of Iván.
- Vertodúb
The oak-turner, a gigantic figure.
- Vertogór
The mountain-turner; a gigantic figure.
- Vóron Vóronovich
Crow Crowson.
- Zamorýshek
This name is freely translated Benjamin, the last-born son of an old man.