How to Review an Ebook Production for Publication
After an ebook production is completed, it must go through rounds of review before it is published to ensure the appropriate production quality is assured. Reviewers are assigned by the editor-in-chief, and may be a member of the editorial staff, or an experienced Standard Ebooks producer. Below is a helpful step-by-step checklist for reviewers of ebook productions. The checklist is by no means exhaustive, but serves as a good starting point for the proofreading process. Reviewers should keep in mind the standards enumerated in the Manual of Style, and note any discrepancies not listed below. Before any review steps, ensure the most recent version of the SE toolset is installed.
se lint .
at the root of the project directory. Iflint
surfaces any nontrivial errors, you should direct the producer to fix the errors before proceeding. If there are false positives, the producer should create anse-lint-ignore.xml
to suppress the false positives. -
se typogrify .
at the root of the project directory. Thetypogrify
command is almost always correct, but sometimes not all changes it makes should be accepted. To go over the changestypogrify
may have made, run the followinggit
command to also highlight changes made to invisible or hard to differentiate Unicode characters:git diff -U0 --word-diff-regex=.
Modernize spelling
se modernize-spelling .
at the root of the project directory. Note that this tool may not catch all archaic words. Prudent use of text editor spellcheckers can help picking up some of these. When in doubt, refer to the appropriate authority of spelling as noted in the Manual. Many words that are hyphenated in the past (e.g. to-morrow) are in modern times concatenated. However, these hyphens should all be retained in poetry . That said, obvious sound-alike spelling modernization should be made and accepted. -
se semanticate .
at the root of the project directory. Unlikese typogrify
orse modernize-spelling
,se semanticate
is more prone to error or false positives. Judicious use of thegit diff
command listed in Step 1 would be needed to prevent and revert any unwanted changes. -
se clean .
at the root of the project directory. Ideally the producer of the ebook would have ran this multiple times during their production process. However, since changes may have been made since then by the producer and stylistic deviations may be been inadvertently introduced, this will clean those potential errors up. After each step so far, it is recommended to use thegit diff
commanded listed in Step 1 to review and record all changes that are needed. -
Check dashes and diacritics
Run both
se find-mismatched-dashes .
andse find-mismatched-diacritics .
at the root of the project directory. Neither of these tools will make actual changes to the project, but they will list words that have inconsistent application of dashes/diacritics. Check with the language authority listed in the Manual to decide on what recommendations should be made. -
Build title, table of contents, and images
se build-title .
,se build-toc .
andse build-images .
at the root of the project directory. No changes should be made by these tools if the producer correctly generated the title page, table of content, and image files. Any discrepancies can be highlighted and investigated via thegit diff
listed in Step 1. -
Review initial commit
Check out the initial commit and review
with your text editor of choice to make sure that the Project Gutenberg license text wasn’t accidentally committed to the repository:git checkout "$COMMIT"
If the license text was committed, the producer will have to rebase it out. Once you are done reviewing the initial commit, use the following command to leave the detached
state:git switch -
Review editorial commits
Use the following
command to highlight all editorial commits:git log --pretty="format:%h: %s" --grep="\[Editorial\]"
Once identified, these commits can be reviewed via:
git diff "$COMMIT~" "$COMMIT";
Alternatively, a graphical
client can be used instead. -
Review en dash uses
Run the following command to check for incorrect en dash use:
grep --recursive --line-number "[a-z]–[a-z]" .
Note that the dash in between the two square bracket is an en dash (
U+2013), and not a hyphen. Check the Manual for the correct type of dashes to use in different cases. Alternatively, use your text editor's regular expression search to find potential incorrect usage instead ofgrep
. -
Review miscurled quotes
Run the following command to examine possible miscurled single quotes:
se interactive-replace "(\s)‘([a-z])" "\1’\2" .
Note the use of
(left single-quotation mark, U+2018) and’
(right single-quotation mark, U+2019) in the command above, and not'
. Usingse interactive-replace
is the safest as there are many potential false positive cases here that should not be change. Refer the the relevant section of the Manual. Note that sometimes this type of mistakes might be committed byse typogrify
. For example:Note the right single-quotation mark is applied twice under this situation. More cases like this is in the section of the Manual linked above.
Check for punctuation outside quotation marks
Run the following command to examine punctuation that might have to be moved inside quotation marks:
se interactive-replace "([’”])([,.])" "\2\1" src/epub/text/*
In general, periods and commas always go inside quotation marks, both single and double. For example:
Note the right single-quotation mark is applied twice under this situation. More cases like this is in the section of the Manual linked above.
Review capitalization
As noted in the Manual text in call caps is rarely correct. Use the following command to check for instance of all caps:
se xpath "//p//text()[re:test(., '[A-Z]{2,}') and not(contains(., 'OK') or contains(., 'SOS')) and not(parent::abbr or parent::var or parent::a or parent::*[contains(@epub:type, 'z3998:roman')])]" src/epub/text/*.xhtml
If any such instances is found, check with the Manual for the correct capitalization style in all cases.
Review era abbreviation elements
Era abbreviations do not have punctuation in them unlike other common abbreviations (see Manual). Use the following command to check each of such cases:
se interactive-replace "(<abbr epub:type=\"se:era[^\"]*?\">)(BC|AD)</abbr>\." "\1\2</abbr>" .
Review italics and emphasis elements
elements are not to be used interchangeably (see relevant section of the Manual here and here). Use the following command to check their usage in the production (alternatively, use the regular expression search function in a text editor):grep --recursive --line-number --extended-regexp "<i|<em" src/epub/text/*.xhtml
Are there any
elements that lack semantics?grep --recursive --line-number "<i>" src/epub/text/*.xhtml
Review bold and strong elements
elements are not to be used interchangeably (see relevant section of the Manual here). Use the following command to check their usage in the production (alternatively, use the regular expression search function in a text editor):grep --recursive --line-number --extended-regexp "<(b|strong)>" src/epub/text/*.xhtml
Review XHTML file structure
Do a final look through of each XHTML file for spelling, styling, and formatting discrepancies. Possible things to look out for:
Check that the correct semantics for elements are used. (e.g. correct usage of
, no<div>
blocks are used, etc. -
If the book is in ”parts,” “books,” or “volumes”:
If the book has illustrations, check that the illustration names and ids are correct. (See manual)
Review local CSS
Review the
file. Possible things to look out for:-
Any styles that have no effect? (e.g., Setting
text-indent: 0;
on an element which already inherits that property fromcore.css
) -
Any unusual classes that can be converted to more clever selectors instead?
Any selectors that should use a different pattern according to previous standards? (e.g., setting small caps by targeting a valediction, instead of targeting
Review colophon
Review the colophon. Possible things to look out for:
Are names without links wrapped in
<b epub:type="z3998:personal-name">
? -
Are abbreviated names wrapped in
<abbr epub:type="z3998:given-name">
Review metadata
Review all metadata including those in
. See this section of the Manual for reference. Possible things to look out for:-
Is author, translator(s), cover artist, etc. in the correct order and in expected style?
Check all links, such as author/work Wikipedia links, are correct by opening them in a browser. Sometimes
se create-draft
guesses the wrong Wikipedia link for a book or person with the same name as another book or person. -
If the book has a subtitle, check that it is represented as expected. See here for reference.
Confirm that the long description of the book in the metadata was not copy and pasted from Wikipedia or other third-party sources.
Check that the short description of the book is valid (i.e. a single complete sentence.)
Lint again
Run a final
se lint .
check, and ensure it is silent. If any warnings and errors are produced, they must be noted and addressed. -
Test epub build
Run the following command at the root of the project directory to ensure the epub builds:
se build --check-only .
Note all errors if they are produced by the command.
Submit review comments
Log all review notes and recommendations on the production's GitHub repository issue tracker, and inform the producer and the rest of the editorial team the review has been completed, with a short summary of the results of the review and changes that may be needed before publishing.