Standard Ebooks

About Standard Ebooks

Standard Ebooks is a volunteer-driven effort to produce a collection of high quality, carefully formatted, accessible, open source, and free public domain ebooks that meet or exceed the quality of commercially produced ebooks. The text and cover art in our ebooks are already believed to be in the U.S. public domain, and Standard Ebooks dedicates its own work to the public domain, thus releasing the entirety of each ebook file into the public domain. All the ebooks we produce are distributed free of cost and free of U.S. copyright restrictions.

Standard Ebooks is organized as a “low-profit L.L.C.,” or “L3C,” a kind of legal entity that blends the charitable focus of a traditional not-for-profit with the ease of organization and maintenance of a regular L.L.C. Our only source of income is donations from readers like you.

More information



  1. A portrait of Alex Cabal.

    Alex Cabal Contact information for Alex Cabal.


“Editor” is the honorary title bestowed on volunteers who, in their history of contributing to Standard Ebooks, have demonstrated exceptional capability in producing ebooks, as well as in managing and reviewing ebooks produced by other volunteers. They continue to volunteer as first-line consultants for new ebook projects.

  1. A portrait of Lukas Bystricky.

    Lukas Bystricky Contact information for Lukas Bystricky.

  2. A portrait of Weijia Cheng.

    Weijia Cheng Contact information for Weijia Cheng.

  3. A portrait of David Reimer.

    David Reimer Contact information for David Reimer.

  4. A portrait of Vince Rice.

    Vince Rice Contact information for Vince Rice.

  5. A portrait of Emma Sweeney.

    Emma Sweeney Contact information for Emma Sweeney.

  6. A portrait of Robin Whittleton.

    Robin Whittleton Contact information for Robin Whittleton.

Social Media

  1. A portrait of Laura Apostol.

    Laura Apostol
    Eclectic Studio

Corporate Sponsors


  2. Scribophile writing community & workshop


Patrons Circle

Join the Patrons Circle to support beautiful, free, and unrestricted digital literature, and to have a direct voice in shaping the future of the Standard Ebooks catalog.

  1. chee rabbits

  2. Janning ⭐

  3. william martin

  4. Rajlaxmi A

  5. Samuel Abram

  6. Shervin Afshar

  7. Jon Allen

  8. D Baark

  9. David Ballenger

  10. Lawrence Barker

  11. Michael Barrineau

  12. Ann Bartyzel

  13. Jonathan Bass

  14. Gally Battat

  15. Katie Berry

  16. Peter Bindels

  17. Harry Binns

  18. Leland Blanton

  19. Russell Blickhan

  20. Nicholas Boalch

  21. Joseph Boudreau

  22. Jacco Boven

  23. Brian Boyd

  24. Keith Bradner

  25. Travis Briggs

  26. Megan Bryant

  27. Solt Budavári

  28. Tim Burke

  29. Maria Bustillos

  30. Tom Campbell

  31. JD Carpenter

  32. Adrian Carroll

  33. Sean Chadwell

  34. Matthew Chan

  35. Daniel Chan

  36. Julio-César Chávez

  37. Matthew Clark

  38. Allison Clift-Jennings

  39. Mark Cohen

  40. Michael Colagrosso

  41. Maxwell Collins-Shenfield

  42. Chris Curro

  43. Michael Daniels

  44. David Day

  45. Bruce Dearden

  46. Bruce Dearden

  47. Martyn Devlin

  48. Christopher Ditto

  49. Chase Dooley

  50. Joel Dowell

  51. Craig Earley

  52. Johan Edlund

  53. Andrew Edstrom

  54. George Efstratiadis

  55. Lassi Eloranta

  56. Ben Evans

  57. Laurie Feinswog

  58. Will Fitzgerald

  59. Wilhelm Fitzpatrick

  60. Jacob Ford

  61. Mac Foster

  62. Zoellner-Fink Family Fund

  63. Mark Gabby-Li

  64. Rohan Gandhi

  65. Alan Gantzhorn

  66. Richard Garrison

  67. Christopher Gateley

  68. Walter Giesbrecht

  69. John Giese

  70. Carlos Giha

  71. Geoffrey Gimse

  72. John Girgis

  73. Joshua Go

  74. Joe Gracyk

  75. Kurtis Grant

  76. Brice Green

  77. Jeff Greenstein

  78. Derek Groothuis

  79. Jeremy Gunkel

  80. Kevin van Haaren

  81. Carey Handfield

  82. Jason Haslup

  83. James Hawley

  84. Elisha Hazen

  85. Kevin Hegarty

  86. Conrad Heiney

  87. Curtis Hendzell

  88. Bill Heyman

  89. Christopher Higgins

  90. Jacob Hill

  91. Douglas Hill

  92. Ron Hockman

  93. David Howell

  94. Miroslav Hruska

  95. Allen Hutchison

  96. Robert McConeghy III

  97. Alex Jakubowski

  98. John Jarvis

  99. Dr. Jiann Jou

  100. Daniel Jump

  101. Stephen Kifer

  102. Grant King

  103. Zachary Kirk

  104. Olav Kvern

  105. Gil Lamont

  106. P.E. Larsen

  107. Cody Laurent

  108. Edward Lazzerini

  109. John Leen

  110. Nathan Lemmon

  111. Lance Linimon

  112. Daniel Loddeke

  113. James Luke

  114. Hrishikesh Madana

  115. Ryan Maeda

  116. Brian Marick

  117. Robert Martin

  118. Nick Mathews

  119. In Honor of Melanie Mattila

  120. Douglas McCarthy

  121. Devin Merriett

  122. Isaac Miller

  123. Jason Miller

  124. Marcelo Montealegre

  125. Matt Montgomery

  126. Nicola Moretto

  127. David Morris

  128. Virginia Neely

  129. John Owen

  130. Ioana Panceac

  131. Nicholas Papaxanthos

  132. Seraphim Pardee

  133. Tyler Pare

  134. Rob Park

  135. John Paton

  136. Noah Patton

  137. Elizabeth Payne

  138. Ryan Petersen

  139. Daniel Pickford

  140. Kushal Prasad

  141. Rithvik Rayala

  142. Fedinand Reinke

  143. Chris Richards

  144. Andrew Roach

  145. Thomas Robertson

  146. Daniel Rod

  147. Alvaro Rodriguez

  148. Jen Rogers

  149. David Romani

  150. Brett Roper

  151. A S

  152. Rollin Salsbery

  153. Ethan Schoonover

  154. Hans-Peter Schrei

  155. Colin Scroggins

  156. Russ Shanahan

  157. Neil Shapiro

  158. Andrew Sharp

  159. Justin Sheehy

  160. Michael Shiplett

  161. James Skaggs

  162. William Sked

  163. Philip Snead

  164. Tyrel Souza

  165. Brandon Sowers

  166. Deanna Stanley

  167. Samuel Stern

  168. Zachary Stevens

  169. Jonas Stisen

  170. Pradeesh Suganthan

  171. Gerriet Suiter

  172. Robert Sullivan

  173. Mark Swenson

  174. Bruce Tanquist

  175. Jennifer Taylor

  176. Clayton Teague

  177. Ryan Ten

  178. Joshua Tompkins

  179. Nam Tran

  180. Thomas Trest

  181. Andrew Turner

  182. Evan Typanski

  183. In memory of Col L J McCarthy, USAF

  184. Kelson Vibber

  185. Cory Wagner

  186. John Walter

  187. Lester Ward

  188. Robyn Weimer

  189. Benjamin Welch

  190. Trevor Wermund

  191. Alfred Werner

  192. Zachary West

  193. Patrick Weyer

  194. Patrick Whitnell

  195. Lance Wilcox

  196. William Wilhelm

  197. Ciaran Willis

  198. Sam Wilson

  199. Marc Winners

  200. Jonas Wisser

  201. Max Wolffe

  202. Jeremy Worrells

  203. Kale Worsley

  204. John Wyatt

  205. Lance Young

  206. Ruth Zekowski

  207. Anonymous × 181